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Smart911 is a free service that allows citizens across the U.S. to create a Safety Profile for their household that includes any information they want 9-1-1 to have in the event of an emergency. Then, when anyone in that household dials 9-1-1 from a phone associated with their Safety Profile, their profile is immediately displayed to the 9-1-1 call taker providing additional information that can be used to facilitate the proper response to the proper location.

At a time when you may be panicked, or unable to communicate, or it could be unsafe to communicate, Smart911 ensures that the details you would need to tell 9-1-1 are immediately available in the event you cannot verbally provide them.

Your profile provides 9-1-1 with all the details that could impact response the second an emergency call is placed. It could be the difference between life and death.

Smart911 for Citizens

Physical Disabilities
For those who have a physical disability or mobility restrictions, it is vital for responders to know about the person, their disability and what type of assistance or special equipment they may need to evacuate their home or receive transport.

Developmental Disabilities
For families affected by autism or who may have difficulty communicating verbally with 9-1-1 their individual conditions as well as rescue notes indicating how responders will need to approach the individual can be include in their Safety Profile.

Pets & Service Animals
For citizens with pets or other animals your Safety Profile can alert police to their presence when entering your home and Fire crews can be aware of exactly how many people and pets need to be evacuated from your home. For owners of a service animal, you can alert responders that your animal needs to be transported with you.

Delaware Smart911

All three Delaware counties and 40 states are now covered by Smart911, which lets residents provide personal safety information to emergency responders online. Users’ Smart911 profiles travel with them out of state.

Go to and click on “Sign Up Today” for your free Smart911 profile. Then, when you call 9-1-1 from a registered phone number, the 9-1-1 system recognizes your phone number and automatically displays your profile on the screen of the call taker who receives your call. The data is secure and is only available to emergency service personnel when you call 9-1-1.

Why Use Smart911?

Smart911 can help protect you, your loved ones, and other members of your household. By creating a Safety Profile with Smart911 during a calm moment, you can take the time to ensure that the information is correct and accurate and exactly what you would like to be communicated to emergency response teams in an emergency. Smart911 is free.